
Zoom in!

In his clever, colorful book Zoom, illustrator Istvan Banyai invites the reader to see the bigger picture. Zoom in, zoom out – what do you see? what do you think you see? what are you really looking at? What are we really looking at in these warped and ever-changing days?

Come along as we zoom in and try to figure out what it all means.

The LEIXCON ZOOM issue of MANIFEST (zine) includes a full color, 32-page booklet, fun inserts, and a curated Spotify playlist. Just $8 for one issue, or subscribe for $25 and get 4 issues. Click here to find out more or just …

The Annual Subscription rate of $25 includes four issues of MANIFEST (zine), and starts with the December issue LEIXCON ZOOM.

You can pay through PayPal using a PayPal account or any standard credit card. If you prefer the old school approach, please send your check, made payable to Jen Payne, P.O. Box 453, Branford, CT 06405.

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